5 Website Design Mistakes to Avoid in 2024

5 Website Design Mistakes to Avoid in 2024

Surprisingly, around 75% of a website's credibility hinges on its design and 94% of first impressions that cause a visitor to mistrust a website are design related!!

Your trustworthiness can significantly diminish if there are numerous design blunders. Whether you're embarking on a fresh website endeavor or revamping your existing one, sidestepping these pitfalls ensures your business shines online for all the right reasons.

It only takes just 0.05 seconds to form an opinion about your website. A good website design that stands out and grabs the attention of potential customers is a necessity. If you are thinking of revamping your website, it is crucial to steer clear of common website design mistakes in 2024.

Top Website Design Mistakes To Avoid

  • Slow Loading Speed: Due to the increased likelihood of users leaving the website before it fully loads, slow loading sites can result in a bad user experience and frequently have higher bounce rates. Excessive number of plug-ins, old coding, and big file sizes are some of the factors that cause a website to load slowly.

    Solution: Reduce the size of your media assets by compressing your photos and videos, and think about employing lazy loading strategies to load content only when it's needed to prevent making this error. Reduce the amount of flash content and complex scripts that can cause page rendering to lag.

    • Poorly Designed Navigation Layout: Skipping crucial steps like brainstorming, creating a sitemap, and wireframing can lead to common web design errors. One glaring mistake is a poorly configured menu and navigation system, which can deter visitors from engaging with the site. Proper organization and hierarchy of pages are essential, especially for websites with extensive content.

    Solution: To enhance user experience on your website, make hyperlinks obvious through distinct formatting like different colors, bold text, or underlining. Ensure sidebars stand out from main content and are easily noticeable. Keep hyperlink names straightforward and concise. Prioritize mobile-friendly navigation and use buttons exclusively for Calls to Action.

    • Using Too Much Text: An excellent website should be simple to use and devoid of extraneous elements. Steer clear of employing an excessive number of attention-grabbing typefaces, colors, photos, buttons, and media elements to provide users with a clear and uncomplicated experience.

    Solution: Use Negative Space. Extra space between elements makes your page look cleaner and directs attention to the important stuff. Figure out what users pay the most attention to. Once you know that, move or ditch what doesn’t help your users.

    • Missing Calls to Action (CTAs): A call to action (CTA) is a prompt that urges a visitor to take a certain action. This can resemble a website's "Click Here to Subscribe" link. When a call to action (CTA) button on a website is unclear, it usually has ambiguous messaging, such as "Learn more" or "View more."

    Solution: Set clear and actionable CTAs to set your user’s expectations and help them understand the intent behind the button they’re about to click on. 

    • Non-Responsive Web Design: Non-responsive web design fails to adapt to various screen sizes, maintaining fixed element sizes and positions across devices. This results in a subpar user experience, requiring visitors to scroll horizontally or pinch-to-zoom on smaller screens like mobile devices, negatively impacting usability.

    Solution: Implement responsive web design, because it helps you ensure your website is easy to navigate, read and understand on every device. 

    Final Thoughts

    The website of your business could be its most precious asset, thus you want to make a solid first impression with it. By avoiding common website design mistakes, you’ll boost your site's credibility and offer visitors an experience they’ll want to come back to. 

    At Onetikk, we will research your industry, target audience and competitors to build a custom and professional website that truly speaks to your audience.