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20+ Best Webinar Statistics For 2024


Webinar? Online virtual events!!

When the pandemic hit in 2019, online workshops, live classes, and virtual training became our part of lives in one way or other. Companies, businesses, and education centers used them to stay in touch with clients or students.

Webinar is a great way which allows large groups of participants to engage in online discussions or training events and share audio, documents or slides. It is a rising way as a marketing strategy where you can reach whole new set of audience.


webinar is an online seminar held for a group or audience online using webinar software. It turns a presentation into a real-time conversation from anywhere in the world. Webinars can be events, video presentations, workshops, seminars, training sessions, or classroom lectures.

Webinar Statistics For 2024

Webinars allow people from all over the world to connect and share information in real time. Webinars are proven to be the best strategy to build brand awareness, reach a larger audience, and drive sales. Check out these webinar statistics to understand why they are core to many marketing plans.

  1. The experts anticipated that the global webinar market would reach $5 billion by the end of 2035.
  2. 58% of B2B marketers use webinars as a part of their content marketing strategy.
  3. 73% of B2B marketers state high-quality leads come from webinars.
  4. As we enter 2024, the conversion rate of communication webinars is recorded to be 67.05%.
  5. 76% of webinars focus on generating leads and sales.
  6. 29% of all webinars are organized by Software and Technology Industry. 
  7. 5% to 20% of webinar viewers can be turned into buyers. 
  8. Email is the best strategy to promote any webinar. Emails can drive 57% of webinar registrations
  9. 91% of marketers who use webinars find them successful.
  10. 60-minute webinars attract more attendees than 30-minute webinars.
  11. 25% of attendees attend webinars through their mobile while 93% of attendees attend through their desktop.
  12. 80% of attendees used the windows operating system to attend webinars.
  13. Tuesday is the best day of the week for a webinar.
  14. The best time for a webinar is 11 pm PST (2 pm EST).
  15. 81% of webinars include Q&As.
  16. Most of the information you will provide to your webinar participants will be video, with just 21% audio.
  17. Webinar attendance data also show that you may get up to 15% of webinar registrations from Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or other social media.
  18. 74% of webinars are held using a webinar software platform, with the other 26% hosted on YouTube and Vimeo.
  19. The average cost of hosting a webinar is between $100 and $3000.
  20. 60% of companies utilize webinars to attract repeat business.
  21. While a webinar typically lasts for 60 minutes, attendee preference for 45-minute webinars is 44%.

Conclusion: How Useful is Webinar

It is proven that webinars are a great way for businesses to communicate with their customers. Since we have had to adapt to new workstyles post Covid-19, convenience became our top priority. Today more individuals and organizations are creating and hosting webinars as we further digitalize our day-to-day life.

Hopefully these statistics have given you some insight into how you should proceed with creating and hosting your own webinars!!

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