Choosing a web development framework is a big deal. According to different project types, there are a lot of quality frameworks out there. Django is one of the most famous web-development tools in today’s time.
What is Django and Why it is used?
Django is a high-level Python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. It enables rapid development of secure and maintainable websites. Django is created by experienced developers that would allow developers to build web applications in less time.
Some of the features that make Django stand out are:
- Simple Syntax
- Its Own Web Server
- MVC (Model-View-Controller) core architecture
- Excellent Documentation
- High Scalability
- Versatile in Nature
- Offers High Security
Useful Tips For Your Django projects
Here are some great little tricks and tips that can help you to speed up your project development process.
- Use Relative Paths in the Configuration: Use relative paths, so that the project will not break if another person is working on the same project or the application is deployed to the server.
- Use the % url % Tag: Use the backwards compatible % url % tag for links. This will keep the links remain as it is even if the Django project moves to another location.
- Use a Modular Approach in project: Divide your application into modules (apps) based on functionality. Each app should contain models, views, templates, and static files related to its functionality.
- Follow the DRY Principle in code organization: Don’t repeat yourself. Use reusable code whenever possible, such as functions, classes, and templates.
- Store All Templates in One Place: Store all templates as well as the template tags in the same place.
- Keep the Application and Libraries Separate: Store the application as well as the libraries in two distinct folders and make use of these folders as packages.
- Use a Separate Media Server: Serving media from the same Apache instance that’s serving Django will affect the performance. So use a separate server to house and serve these static files.
- Use Django Unit Testing: In Django, it is incredibly easy to write unit tests which ensures that if you make changes to the code, that it works as expected.
- Use the Debugger Toolbar: Debugging toolbar help you with debugging of the code which speed up development by spotting errors in your code and potential pitfalls.
Final Thoughts: Django Tips
Django continues to have a dominant position in web development for obvious reasons: Robust and Experienced. Django is one of the old and experienced web frameworks because it was released 18 years ago on 21 July 2005.
Django still remains the ultimate web framework in 2023 and will continue in the future. Use these Django developing tips to expand your website into literally any direction without having to worry about security or safety.