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Top 7 Different Data Structures and Real Time Applications

Data Structure

Simply put, they are integral part of computer science world. Most computer programming languages have basic data types like integer or character, but they are unable to catch the logical intent for data processing. A medium is needed to bring together the data elements in a logical way the allows good use and sharing of data. Data structures is our answer to that job!!

What is a Data Structure?

According to Wikipedia:

In computer science, a data structure is a data organization, management, and storage format that is usually chosen for efficient access to data. 

Data structure used to store and arrange data on a computer so that it can be accessed and updated efficiently. Choose the right data structure for your project depending on your requirement. You don’t want slow runtimes or unresponsive codes while developing a software product!!

Classification of Data Structure: 

Examples of linear data structures are array, stack, queue, linked list, etc.

Examples of non-linear data structures are trees and graphs.

Let’s explore some of real time application of data structures such as arrays, stack, queue, graph and tree.

Data StructuresApplicationsUse Cases
 TreesDatabases use trees to store and retrieve data efficiently.HTML Document.
AI Decision.
Websites such as Quora for positioning questions.
ArraysMachine learning algorithms use arrays store and manipulate data, and to implement models.Viewing screen.
Online ticket booking.
Contacts on a cell phone.
StringsStrings can be used to find Plagiarism in codes, and contents in a very little amount of time using string matching algorithms. Spam email detection.
Plagiarism detection.
Search engine.
StackOperating systems use data structures manage tasks, processes, and memory.Undo/Redo of word editor.
Forward-backward surfing in the browser.
History of visited websites.
QueueOperating System uses queues for job scheduling.Operating System uses queues for job scheduling.
Sending an e-mail.
CPU scheduling.
Maintaining a playlist.
GraphsComputer networks use graphs to store and route information.Friendship tracking.
Path finding.
The GPS navigation system.
HeapFinancial systems heaps to manage and execute financial transactions, such as stock trades, options, and bonds.Task scheduling.
Used by JVM (Java Virtual Machine) to store Java objects.


Data structures are means to store data so that we can perform operations on the stored data in a more efficient manner. They are a way to effectively handle various small and big tasks. Every data structure has its own pros and cons, so select the one based on need, application and situation.

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